Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year however, your floors may not think the same.
This time of year, festive parties are in full swing, excited children are chaotic, there are fallen tree needles and turkey fat. Big get togethers are always so much fun, it’s the clean up afterwards that’s not quite as thrilling, nor is the thought of damaged flooring. Luckily, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of damage and protect your floor and carpet.
Ohhh, Christmas Tree
Nothing can top having a real tree in your home at Christmas, from the character it gives to a room, to the piney aroma it gives off. However, a real tree can cause problems for your floor in several ways. First of all, try not to water it too much as this can cause damp and mould in your carpet or warping in your laminate flooring. Also, as nice as pine needles look on a tree, they can hurt to stand on and the green can transfer on to light coloured carpets and stain them. Why not stand your tree on a rug to prevent marks on your floor?
Let’s party
With friends and family coming around to party and join in the festivities, flooring can accidentally get damaged. It may be worthwhile to invest in a Christmas rug over the festive period to place on your flooring to avoid scratches from shoes or furniture.
Shine bright
In the winter many people often light more candles throughout the house for festive ambience and warmth however, it’s important to take extra care especially if you are having more guests inside. Candle wax can damage flooring and removing it can also cause issues. Ideally, keep candles in a safe place away from floorings and away from surface edges to avoid them being knocked off.
Christmas Dinner
One of the biggest worries when having people over is the spillages on carpets, with LVT flooring or laminate this isn’t quite as much of an issue as the mess can be wiped up. However, with carpets, there is the possibility of something staining the floor, whether that be, alcohol or cranberry sauce. As soon as a spillage occurs try to wipe it, wipe, don’t ever rub a carpet. Or vacuum it to get up the worst of the mess. Or even leave dustpans or serviettes around so accidents can quickly be cleaned, and guests can get back to partying.
By having a plan in place, there will be less damage to your flooring and it will keep it in its best condition. If anything does happen to your floor, Maltby’s of Chester are here for you. For more information call us on 01244 324560 or visit our showroom at Maltby’s of Chester, 103 Brook Street, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 3DX where a friendly, knowledgeable team member can assist you. Have a Merry Christmas!
Maltby’s of Chester,
103 Brook Street, Chester,
Cheshire, CH1 3DX
Tel: 01244 324 560
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